Bonner Leader Program

Access to Education, Opportunity to Serve

如果你对公共服务充满热情,并渴望成为你的积极力量 社区,澳门赌场在线娱乐的邦纳领袖计划可以帮助你建立技能 you need to lead the charge for change.

澳门赌场在线娱乐学习期间,你将承诺参加这种独特的勤工俭学 将社区服务与丰富和训练活动相结合的经验. The program provides financial support for your education and promotes:

  • Leadership
  • Self-awareness
  • Professional skills

You’ll join a nationally acclaimed, service-based initiative. From its introduction 自1990年邦纳基金会成立以来,邦纳领袖计划已发展成为一个多方面的项目 由70多所大学组成的网络主办的公民参与和领导力项目 and universities.

受“接受教育,有机会服务”校训的启发,邦纳校友分享 their talents on a local, national and global level.

How to 应用

如果你已经准备好通过接受教育和服务的机会来成长,那就申请吧 to be a Bonner Leader at Wilkes.

大学每年只招收8到10名新生 via a competitive application process. You must be admitted to Wilkes University to apply.

Deadline to apply is the spring prior to your first semester at Wilkes.

入围者将被邀请参加评选委员会的面试 take place 在校园 or via Zoom. Students selected into the program will be notified shortly thereafter.

应用 to Bonner


For questions regarding the Bonner Leaders program, please contact:

Dr. Alicia Burns

Bonner Leader Program Coordinator

(570) 408-3914

Being a Bonner Leader

澳门赌场在线娱乐寻求多样化的申请人,他们想要在世界上找到自己的角落 a better place.

You may be eligible for the Wilkes Bonner Leader program if you...
  • Possess a fierce desire to change the world.
  • 在你的高中或社区积极参与服务.
  • Will be an incoming first-year student in the fall semester.
  • Have submitted a FAFSA to Wilkes University.
  • 有资格获得联邦勤工俭学奖学金并证明有经济需要.
Preference will be given to...
  • Those with high school grade-point average of 2.75 and above.
  • Individuals from diverse backgrounds.
  • Recipients of Wilkes University Colonel Emerging Leader Award.

邦纳领袖计划为你提供了变革性的优势,澳门赌场在线娱乐校园 and the surrounding area. 

  • 被邦纳领导项目录取的学生将有资格获得邦纳学位 Scholarship of $2,000/year. This will be distributed at the beginning of each semester ($1,000/semester).
  • 通过8 - 10小时的项目服务、培训和反思,赚取勤工俭学的报酬 每个星期.
  • 通过参与,获得宝贵的工作经验、领导技能和职业洞察力 逐步增加更具挑战性和意义的培训和社区服务活动.
  • Develop an appreciation for experiences of those different from you.
  • 成为同事和员工支持的重要组成部分,培养更强的意识 of belonging 在校园.
  • 有机会参加区域和国家会议.
  • Network with other members of this nationally recognized program.
  • Become an active leader 在校园 and in the community.

参加邦纳领袖计划是对你自己的四年承诺, your campus and your community.

  • 每周保证6到8小时的直接学习时间——每学年大约270小时 service in the community.
  • Participate in regular training and enrichment activities.
  • 在各种校园公民参与活动中担任领导角色.
  • 参加基础活动,包括第一年的替代休息 trip and second-year exchange with Bonner Leaders from other schools.
  • Present a senior capstone project.

Five "E"s of Bonner


如果你被选中参加这个项目,澳门赌场在线娱乐认可了你对服务的热情 你承诺运用你的才能对社区产生积极的影响.


从课程开始,我们将鼓励您探索澳门赌场在线娱乐-巴雷社区 通过服务来完善你的自我意识和公民身份 weekly trainings and reflections.


当你在当地机构直接服务时,你将接受深入的培训 并与员工密切合作,进一步了解他们的使命和分析社区 问题. 您还将获得协调主要服务计划的宝贵经验 在校园.


当你进入这个项目的第三和第四年时,你会认为自己是高级的 在选定的社区机构内承担责任,并承担更重要的能力 building projects.


在邦纳的经历结束后,你将能够更好地认识到, 讨论和分析影响澳门赌场在线娱乐-巴利和我们更广泛的复杂社会问题 社会.

Year-by-Year Overview

每周花6到8个小时在社区机构服务,还有1到2个小时 in formal education, training and reflection sessions. Leaders are afforded the opportunity 在春季与他们的同侪一起参加一个另类的休息服务之旅 他们也可以在项目的前三年进行暑期实习.

除了直接服务和培训,开始承担更多的扩展领导 roles 在校园. Present educational sessions to the first-year cohort and take on 在由公民参与发起的校园活动中发挥重要作用 办公室如献血活动,特奥会,进入街道清理和替代 打破. 参加“第二年交换”,在你的地区以外提供服务.

在继续参加定期群组教育会议和培训的同时, 在直接服务机构内承担更重要的能力建设项目. 作为一名四年级学生,完成并展示一项衔接的高年级毕业项目 从学术研究和邦纳会议到直接服务经验的知识.

Meet the Bonner Leaders

Fall 2023 Bonner Leaders

Caitlyn (Cait) Maslar

I chose 邦纳斯 because I love to help. Being a part of my communities is a big deal 对我来说,我想尽我所能,在我走到的每一个地方都留下持久的影响. 邦纳斯 gives me the opportunity to do all that and more.Caitlyn (Cait) Maslar
  • First-Year
  • 首页town: Exeter, PA
  • Dual Major: Elementary & early childhood education / special education

Shauna McAndrew

这个项目最让我感兴趣的是能够回馈我的社区 and being able to help those in need.Shauna McAndrew
  • First-Year
  • 首页town: Lake Ariel
  • Major: Undeclared

Analiese Monteiro

I desire to be a beacon of light in the world and to serve others. I believe this 这个项目将帮助我成为一个强有力的领导者,并对周围的人产生持久的影响 me.Analiese Monteiro
  • First-Year
  • 首页town: Hartsdale, NY
  • Major: Pre-pharmacy program

Edweana (E) Alexis

首页town: Saylorsburg, PA
Major: Political Science

Gabrielle (Gabbie) Moore

首页town: Erie, PA
Major: Political Science

Julia Bouder

首页town: Lancaster, PA
Major: English

Sarah McAndrew

首页town: Lake Ariel, PA
Major: Psychology

Adrianna Aziz

首页town: Reading, PA
Major: Pharmacy

Abigayle Smith

首页town: Plymouth, PA
Major: Digital Design and Media Art

Brenda Arias

首页town: Hanover Township, PA
Major: Hospitality Leadership

Emily Blaine

首页town: Shavertown, PA
Major: Pre-Pharmacy

Bhavika "Nikki" Dawar

首页town: Sparta, NJ
Major: Biology/Pre-Medicine

Alexis Nardone

首页town: Rockaway, NJ
Major: Early Childhood Education

Amelia "Mia" O'Connor

首页town: Brooklyn, NY
Major: Nursing

Marytere Quintana-Avila

首页town: Scranton, PA
Major: Political Science

Ada Soriano

首页town: WIlkes-Barre, PA
Major: Pre-Pharmacy
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多年来积累了宝贵的工作经验,领导能力和职业洞察力 the program

Bonner Leaders in Action

Bonner Leader Program