The Polish Room

自1950年以来,澳门赌场在线娱乐的波兰室一直分享波兰文化和遗产 through original artifacts and publications located in the room. The Polish Room is 位于法利图书馆的二楼,由波兰人经营 自1950年起,当澳门赌场在线娱乐被称为“澳门赌场在线娱乐学院”.”

Stefan Mrozewski,世界顶级雕刻家之一,前Kozciuszko基金会成员 受让人被委托设计这个房间,它将作为一个参考和 reading room in the proposed library. Mr. Mrozewski designed the room and furniture in the Zakopane style, the artistic tradition of the Tatra mountaineers. He and Stefan 宾夕法尼亚州达拉斯市的Hellersperk建造并雕刻了这些家具.

波兰厅最初位于教区大厅警卫大楼,后来 relocated to the Farley 图书馆. Wilkes University’s first president, Dr. 尤金年代. 法利在参观国籍室时受到启发,开设了波兰室 at the University of Pittsburgh. He encouraged local ethnic groups to establish their 在校园里有自己的房间,因为这是个人表达自己的方式 cultural heritage. The Polish room allows people with Polish heritage to gather and feel at home in Poland.


这个房间是为了纪念自1856年以来在这里定居的波兰移民 their homes in Wyoming Valley. By their efforts they contributed to the development of its major industries mining and farming. By their sense of fair play they encouraged 通过家庭、学校和教堂进行集体谈判的原则 they have proclaimed their faith and love of country.

这块牌匾是由他们的后代竖立起来的,这样他们的儿女就可以一起 与那些来自其他国家的儿女们一起可以从他们的 并澳门赌场在线娱乐大学的这些大厅里永远提醒我 opportunity, wisdom, and justice are for all Americans.

The Polish Room Committee


波兰房间委员会是一个促进欣赏的非营利组织 通过提供充满文化基础的丰富环境来展示波兰遗产 artifacts. 该组织为学生的高等教育提供资金支持 opportunities in an annual scholarship to those of Polish decent.

它是在1972年设立的,以表示对为澳门赌场在线娱乐提供的服务的感谢 and the community of Northeastern Pennsylvania by Dr. 和夫人. 约瑟夫·J. Kocyan

Polish Room Committee Scholarships

奖学金每年颁发给波兰血统的学生 high cumulative grade point averages and demonstrated financial aid.

波兰室委员会奖学金欢迎那些符合申请 following criteria:

  • Be a sophomore, junior, or senior.
  • Have a permanent residence in Luzerne County.
  • Be of Polish descent.

Please contact the office of Advancement & 校友 Engagement at 了解更多关于波兰语室委员会奖学金以及如何申请的信息.

工件 & Publications

波兰厅是多个文化和历史文物的所在地,是附属的 with several publications.


波兰厅的家具是由已故的达拉斯人斯特凡·海勒斯帕克(Stefan Hellersperk)建造的, Pennsylvania. He used heavy birch which was imported from Washington. to construct the seven foot bench. It weighs approximately 450 pounds. The large oval table with 其高度抛光表面有半英寸深的雕刻在戈尔传统.


On the table is an antique samovar from 18th Century Warsaw. This samovar is a silver tea urn with a Greek design.

Eagle Carving (Above fireplace)

雕刻的木制鹰是12世纪鹰的复制品,这是标志 波兰的. 这个雕刻是由已故的宾夕法尼亚州达拉斯市的斯蒂芬·海勒斯帕克完成的. 波兰厅的藏品还包括许多装饰性木雕和雕塑.

"Jesus" Mask

Wladyslaw Theo Benda came to the United States in 1899. Before he became celebrated 作为一种新型面具的创造者,他是一位著名的插画家. Benda的 面具是由坚硬的,未漂白的纸,粘在紧密压缩层加强 用黄铜导线,涂上一层清漆,保护其不受大气条件的影响 with oil colors and gilded. W.T. Benda的 "Jesus" mask rests on a high pedestal which was carved by Stefan Hellersperk, Dallas, Pennsylvania.


Imported Polish kilims grace the two walls of the Polish Room. On kilim is of a North Baltic scene. The other kilim is a typical floral pattern.

Map (Right side of fireplace)

16世纪的波兰地图是由皇家地理学家亚伯拉罕·奥特利乌斯绘制的 to King Philip II of Spain.


《澳门赌场在线娱乐》是一幅油画原作 by Joseph Brodowski. Brodowski was born in Warsaw in 1828 and was a student of January Suchodolski. He is generally known for his battle scenes and enre pieces.

波兰厅还收藏了美国革命党人的绘画和版画 战争英雄,卡斯米尔·普拉斯基和撒迪厄斯·科希丘什科,天文学家尼古拉斯·哥白尼, 诺贝尔奖得主玛丽亚·斯克洛多夫斯卡·居里、教皇扬·帕维尔二世(教皇约翰·保罗二世)、 Anthony Mroz, a Tatra bagpiper, and many others.

Commemorative Plaque (Outside the door)

为了纪念早期波兰移民对怀俄明河谷的贡献, a bronze plaque celebrating their achievements is place near the door.

Piasanki (Decorated Eggs)

波兰馆入口的玻璃柜里的皮桑基是由 安娜·卡洛尼克和她的母亲,以及由苏菲·尤尔科夫斯基(尤尔科)两人居住 in Luzerne County. The artistic designs are etched with beeswax and dipped in coloring fluids several times. Other techniques for decorating eggs during the Easter season 鸟、花、动物轮廓细腻的是skrobanki还是rysowanki scratched with sharp instruments. The colors and designs have different symbolic meanings. The glass case also contains traditional handmade Christmas ornaments.

波兰语厅的图书馆收藏了波兰语和英语的精美书籍. 这些书的主题包括历史,亚当·米奇维茨的诗歌,诗歌,艺术, music, cookbooks to mention just a few topics. The library collection has contains a music collection and a stamp collection. The Wilkes University Polish Room is in the process of inventorying the entire collection. When this inventory is completed, a database of the collection will be created. It is hoped that this database will become resource tool for Polish and Polish-American studies.


波兰馆有克拉科夫和扎科帕内的传统服饰 地区. 这件衣服以具有代表性的手工刺绣装饰 of the 地区.


代表波兰各个地区和历史人物的玩偶收藏是 located near the entrance door. Above the mantel inside the Polish Room are two sets of wooden dolls in regional attire.


一套来自波兰克拉科夫瓦维尔皇宫的高脚杯被放置在 bookcase to the left of the fireplace.

The Poems of Anton Piotrowski

  • Compiled by Mrs. Jule Znaniecki (past president of the Wilkes University Polish Room Committee).
  • Edited by Dr. 哈罗德·E. Cox, Professor Emertius of History, Wilkes University.

这本双语出版物是安东·皮奥特罗斯基的诗集. The poetry 是宾夕法尼亚州南提科克的波兰移民社区故事的一部分 and the anthracite coal industry of a century ago.

Lania: An American Woman in Nazi-Occupied Poland

Melania Kocyan Hellersperk(前波兰馆成员)这本书是第一手资料 她是二战期间参加波兰地下运动的一位美国妇女 World War.

Wilkes College Polish Room Cookbook

最初印刷由澳门赌场在线娱乐学院波兰室委员会这一集合 recipes submitted by members was updated and reprinted in 2009.

The Extraordinary Journey: The Eastern Europeans of Northeastern Pennsylvania

一个WVIA(美国公共广播公司当地分支机构)的原创纪录片包含了对 Jule Znaniecki(澳门赌场在线娱乐波兰语室委员会前主席).